GasTurbine System Svc.

Gas Turbine Systems Svc.

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GTSS believes part of the solution to America's energy problems and global warming is the proliferation of renewable energy. By the same token we need to conserve exiting energy. Energy management and conservation combined with renewable energy generation does the most for the environment. Geared more for the end user who is interested in raw data, customization and sensor input compatibility; GTSS's energy management system allows the end user to accomplish the following:

  • Gauge energy consumption based in time of year and ambient conditions
  • Gauge renewable generation based on time of year and ambient conditions
  • Create a baseline for renewable generation to gauge system degradation
  • Monitor in real time their system either locally via Ethernet or remotely via the internet and a VPN ( virtual private network)
  • Receive on demand, or midnight e-mails containing current or as of midnight totals for generation, consumption, import and export energy. Additionally a CSV file is attached with the 15 second data from midnight to midnight data.
  • 30 days of CSV data is stored on the flash drive of the control for collection on-demand via a supplied interface.
  • Yearly CSV file with daily totals created for each year
  • Firmware upgradable
  • Up to 16 customer configurable analog inputs for extreme customization using DATAFORTH 8B modules. See their website for input option selection
  • ELKORT Technologies Universal Power Meter for accurate power measurement
  • Custom configurable on request
  • No PC required to run. The only time you need a PC is to connect to view live data, and to view E-mail, further conserving power.

Important Links!! For 8B module selection For WattsOn meter info For CT information VERY IMPORTANT!!
Real time HMI with live trends of energy used, and daily, and monthly energy totals. Updates up to 10 times per second on a local network. This version also has a 14 channel sprinkler control installed
E-update tool to request a current E-mail from controller Requires DNS enabled and registered router such as the NETGEAR FVG318 VPN enabled router
Example of an automatic midnight e-mail detailing daily totals and attached .CSV file
.CSV file imported into MS Excel used to graph inverter output and ambient temperature midnight to midnight


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